Monologues of n Women is a devised theatre piece with a topic of reflecting the dilemmas that women face in modern society. The creation of the script is based on real life experiences of women from different ages, occupations, and cultural backgrounds, combined with dance, drama, music, and poetry aspects. We wish to present the real obstacles, struggles, and hopes that Chinese women had growing up. We also hope that this show is both a true and objective mirror and a strong and powerful voice.
Theatre artist, therapist, student, software engineer, project manager, French crepe shop owner… We have many identities in society. However, most of us share an identity - women. This is a theatrical work that we’ve created collectively. This is where our pains and joys, music and dances lie. Welcome to come listen to our stories.
@monologues of n women
Facebook 公共主页: Monologues of n Women
商业赞助/合作请联系 monologuesofxwomen@gmail.com
*Turn the pictures to read our members’ bio.