Monologues of n Women is a devised theatre piece with a topic of reflecting the dilemmas that women face in modern society. The creation of the script is based on real life experiences of women from different ages, occupations, and cultural backgrounds, combined with dance, drama, music, and poetry aspects. We wish to present the real obstacles, struggles, and hopes that Chinese women had growing up. We also hope that this show is both a true and objective mirror and a strong and powerful voice.
Theatre artist, therapist, student, software engineer, project manager, French crepe shop owner… We have many identities in society. However, most of us share an identity - women. This is a theatrical work that we’ve created collectively. This is where our pains and joys, music and dances lie. Welcome to come listen to our stories.
Instagram:@monologues of n women
Facebook 公共主页: Monologues of n Women

商业赞助/合作请联系 monologuesofxwomen@gmail.com
*Turn the pictures to read our members’ bio.
导演|编剧  Director|Playwright
赵元媛/Christie Zhao
本科毕业于华盛顿西雅图大学计算机和戏剧的双学位,有导演,制作,灯光设计,表演,剪辑等经历。曾执导布莱希特的《四川好人》,参演由UW,SU和Cornish三所学校出品的线上Devising戏剧《Bodies of Water》和由卡萨克斯坦舞蹈家Alisher Khasanov导演的《Heart of Stone》。此外,在大学期间创立了五月戏剧社,为更多人提供中文表演和制作的机会。
Christie Zhao graduated from University of Washington with a double degree in Drama performance and Computer Science. She has experience in directing, producing, light designing, acting and video editing. She directed The Good Person of Szechwan by Bertolt Brecht, acted in Bodies of Water produced by UW, SU and Cornish College of the Arts and Heart of Stone directed by Alisher Khasanov. Other than that, she founded the Chinese theater club at UW during college to provide more opportunities in bilingual theater production in Seattle.
鹭鸶/Siming Lu
俄亥俄州立大学艺术管理专业,戏剧辅修。原创作品包括:《Student Social Death Archive》,编作剧场《Square One》,装置艺术《I Don't Sleep at Night》。在开始创作前,鹭鸶在倪德伦环球《丝路之声》音乐剧剧组和好戏戏剧媒体积累了一些专业经验。
Siming Lu is a senior in Arts Management major and Theatre minor at Ohio State University. As an art maker, her work includes: Student Social Death Archive (Play), Square One (Devised Theatre), and I Don’t Sleep at Night (Installation Art). She previously worked for Nederlander Worldwide Entertainment.
曾真/Melanie Zeng
毕业于美国犹他大学和卡耐基梅隆大学,现在职产品经理。豆瓣签约作者,热爱创作,如奇幻、科幻、现实、悬疑类小说以及诗歌,作品包括《消失的水母》和《探洞:绝幻之地》。2022年加入西雅图STArt Film Studio成为核心成员。
Melanie graduated from the University of Utah and Carnegie Mellon University. She is a published author of The Vanished Jellyfish (Chinese) and Caving: the Bizarre Land (Chinese). Driven by her passion in creative writing, she has explored a variety of genres and themes including fantasy, sci-fi, thriller and realistic fiction. In 2022, she joined the Documentary team at STArt Film Studio in Seattle.
远程编作家  Online deviser
潘婷/Kelly Li
Online Deviser
潘婷毕业于广东外语外贸大学南国商学院,主修市场营销,辅修英语。曾担任学校的艺术团团长,舞蹈队队长金牌。曾监导过学校的元旦晚会/迎新晚会和教职工迎新晚会。文娱代表作有:现代舞《玉兰花开》;古典舞《三寸时光》;《康康舞》;节目:《环保时装秀》。(2012-2015) 曾因作品《分裂的杯子》得过埃及陶艺和平金奖(2005)。 就读Portland state university电影学,辅修心理学。编写过两部自编电影的screenplays (Under the Zurich bridge) (The only child) 现在是Clinical mental health counseling Master program 的学生, 同时是local small business owner, and a ceramist.
Kelly graduated from Guangdong university of foreign studies south China business college in Marketing and English. Titled the president of the student union art department. Previous representatives: Magnolia blossom(2013);The ray of sunshine (2013); The Cancan(2014) Enrolled in Portland state university film and psychology Postbac program, currently in Clinical mental health counseling program. Also a Portland local small business owner and a potter in personal life.
陈慧/Hui Chen
剧作远程编作家, 动作顾问
Online Deviser, movement counsultant
陈慧毕业于英国Drama Studio London表演专业和圣三一拉邦音乐与舞蹈学院的创意实践(Creative Practice) 专业。曾参演过大型沉浸式戏剧《彼得潘的冒险岛》、儿童音乐戏剧《弗利达与曼德琳》、《Safety Net》、《Bareface101、102》等剧目。现主要居住在英国,从事表演专业之外会去幼儿园用中文和小宝宝们一起唱歌跳舞讲故事。
Hui is a graduate with the acting diploma from Drama Studio London and the Creative Practice master from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. Performance credits include: large scale immersive version of Peter Pan in Beijing Xiedao Resort, Frieda & Mandarin, Safety Net, Bareface 101 & 102. She is based in the UK, and enjoyes singing and dancing with toddlers in nursery as a partime job besides her main pursue in performing.
叻娜/Lena Gu
Online Deviser
Lena Gu 自 2016 年起担任纽约华语一人一故事剧场 的团长兼艺术总监。她是一名执业临床社工,毕业于哥伦比亚大学。 她曾在一人一故事剧场创始人乔·萨拉斯 (Jo Salas) 的指导下接受培训。 与 NYMP 一起,她领航、表演和/或带领了许多演出和工作坊。 她还接受过其他戏剧治疗方法的培训,也是”梅花间竹“的剧评人之一。
Lena Gu is the president and head of artistic director at New York Mandarin Playback since 2016. She is a licensed social worker, graduated from Columbia University. She has trained under the original founder of playback theatre, Jo Salas. Along with NYMP, she has conducted, performed, and/or directed over many playback shows and workshops. She is also trained in other drama therapy methods and is a theatre blogger with BamPlubBoo.
设计  Designer
Lighting Designer
Anna Shih is a current junior at the University of Washington, majoring in Drama Design and Computer Science. She is interested in all aspects of theatrical design with a focus on lighting, having worked as an electrician, programmer, and designer. Other productions she has been a part of include: She Devil of the China Seas, Sweeney Todd, Passage, The Children’s Hour, Beaver Slurpee, and The Importance of Being Earnest.
Olga Kravtsova
production manager
Olga Kravtsova is Seattle/Portland performer and producer, graduate student at UW in the performing arts. Olga graduated from Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS) and College of T. Ustinovoi with a degree in Russian folk dance ensemble. Her area of interests includes creating original works, merging acting and movement arts, ensemble building, and intimacy choreography.
Music Composer/Director
乐澜是一位酷儿、非二元性别的音乐家。他从小爱音乐,学了十几年的钢琴,从高中开始自己写歌了。他也会弹吉他、拉中提琴、唱歌、等等。他去年给元媛导演的戏剧《四川好人》做了音乐,也跟华大的词曲作者社发行了一首歌 《Meteors》。希望大家多多期待《n个女人的独白》哦!
Jade is a queer Chinese-American musician, songwriter, composer, and actor. They are passionate about all things music, theatre, and dance related. Growing up, Jade has always loved creating and performing, and is classically trained in piano. They also took up the viola for a short stint in middle school and composed their first piece, also for the viola, when they were 13, and continued to write music throughout high school and college. In Spring 2021, they released an original song, Meteors, with the UW Songwriters Circle on their first album, Escapisms. At the same time, they collaborated with Christie as an actor, sound designer, and composer on a virtual theatre project she directed, titled The Good Person. Most recently, you can find them acting in Pork Filled Productions’ new show She-Devil of the China Seas and writing music in their (very limited) free time.
侍馨怡/Jasmine Shi
Marketing team
Jasmine graduated from the Ohio State University with B.A. in Communication and a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality studies. She is the manager of a student self-media and produced multiple video interviews and articles about international students’ life. She was the PR & Marketing director in one of the election campaigns of Undergraduate Student Government at the Ohio State University and accumulated much experience in new media management and video editing skills. She was the leading actress of the traditional Chinese play Family in high school and participated in OSU theater productions Red Velvet and Indecent as a member in the lighting crew.
奕竹 /Yizhu
Set Designer
潘奕竹,舞台与电影美术设计师,热衷于用视觉的语言讲故事。先后就读与中国美术学院与纽约大学帝势艺术学院。 2019年,她加入杭州荒原美术设计工作室,担任美术和广告美术的视觉指导。2018年至今,《母语》Mother Tongue (AFF亚洲电影节最佳短片提名,2019),《塞缪尔》Samuel 设计助理(外百老汇戏剧,2021),《丝路之声》Sound of the Silk Road(陕西大剧院音乐剧,2021)等。
Yizhu Pan is a China-born set and production designer currently based in New York City. She appreciates and embraces both risk and collaboration in the design process and continues to explore designing holistic systems rather than just sets. She is the co-founder of Huangyuan Production Studio in Hangzhou, China. Her film and theater work credits include Mother Tongue (Asian Film Festival Los Angeles, 2019), Samuel Design Assistant (Off-Broadway Play, 2021), Sound of the Silk Road (Shanxi Grand Theater Musical, 2021), etc.
杨玉培/Harvey Yang
Stage Manager
Graduated from Cornell University and Drexel University. Software Engineer at Oracle. He participated in the creation of several improv plays, including The Birth of a Thief, L'Étranger, and Grasse.
Marketing Associate, Sound Designer, Prop Master
目前就读于华盛顿大学,担任过短剧《飞鸟》的编剧兼导演、LUX:Film Production Club短篇《LUX Production Bible》主演、五月戏剧社宣传部长;高中任过Cupertino Actors Theatre的Publicity Director和Head of House、线上剧《The Outsiders》《She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms》的Editing Director、短剧《Alice vs. Wonderland》的Technical Director。高中四年参演过的作品超过五部,包括因疫情无法演出的音乐剧《Ranked: A New Musical》
Leon is currently enrolled in the University of Washington - Seattle. He was the director and playwright for the short play A Thousand Paper Cranes, the lead performer in the short film LUX Production Bible by LUX:Film Production Club, and the Publicity Director at Chinese Theater Club. In high school, he was involved in multiple leadership roles such as Publicity Director and Head of House for Cupertino Actors Theatre, Editing Director for zoom shows The Outsiders and She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms, and Technical Director for Alice vs. Wonderland. He also performed in more than 5 shows in the span of the 4 years of high school, including the musical Ranked: A New Musical which, unfortunately, was unable to air due to the pandemic.
王洵/Xun Wang
Set Designer
Graduated from Sam Fox School, Washington University in St. Louis. An architectural designer.
贺鹏/ Austin He
亚马逊在职工程师,曾任职机器人工程师,主修方向自动驾驶、机器人视觉。曾参加DARPA Robotics Challenge 并获奖。高中时期开始接触摄影,有八年以上摄影经历。2021年开始筹办 《华州自然奇迹》短片的摄制和剪辑。
Austin is currently employed at Amazon LLC. He was a robotics engineer, major in self-driving cars and computer vision. He participated in DARPA Robotics Challenge (Final in LA, 2015) and contributed to one of the main tasks to help the team won 7th place in the competition. He started touching photography in high school and have more than eight years of experience in photo domain. He started a short film design and video shooting in 2021, focusing on exploration of the Washington Natural Wonders.
闫天行/Kikyou Yan
Costume Designer
Tianxing Yan is an artist, visual thinker from China. She trained as a costume designer at University of California, Davis. Her designs have been seen in the San Francisco Bay area as well as Los Angeles, Sacramento, Denver, Beijing, Guangzhou and online streams. Her recent work includes Antigone NOW, Peter and the Starcatcher, Ranked-A New Musical, Fat Kids Rules the World, Love/logic, Yemener, Burst, Travel Guide Before Marriage.
陈艺靖萱/Emily Chen
美国东方歌剧舞剧团附属舞剧团的舞蹈编导。她毕业于:广西艺术学院 06-12 中国舞系,北京舞蹈学院 16-18 中国古典舞系和华盛顿大学 18-21 舞蹈表编系。她的表演代表作有中国古典舞《红藕香残玉簟秋》,中国古典舞《天落霓裳》,中国古典舞《十里红妆女儿梦》和中国芭蕾舞样板戏 舞剧《白毛女》中饰演“喜儿”(少女时期)。
骆奕/Yi Luo
Projection/Website/Graphic Design
毕业于莱斯大学建筑系,交互设计师。投影交互装置作品《words, people, letter》在休斯顿Moody Center展出。
Graduated from Rice University school of architecture. Product Designer. Interactive projection installation, /Words, People, Letter/, was exhbited in Houston Moody Center of Arts.
演员|制作  Actress | Production
Mia is a current sophomore student in the University of Washington. In high school, she wrote, directed and performed the melodrama "Necklace". In college, she entered the Chinese Theater club and took part in the drama adapted from the variety show Drama New Life, Dog Heart, and the classic drama Secret Love of Peach Blossom Land.
Yiyi is a current senior student in the University of Washington, majoring in psychology. She has received a certificate of grade 13 of dance, the second prize in dance and the third prize in singing in the National Excellent Talent Arts Audition, and performed in the Children's Spring Festival Gala in China. She also won the silver prize in individual and the gold prize in group in the Dandelion Youth Art Talent Competition. She has performed in the "A Thousand Paper Cranes " and "Secret Love for the Peach Blossom Spring” on campus. She joined the largest media club at the University of Washington, recording radio programs analyzing the psychological behavior behind movies and doing interviews with professionalists for her own broadcast channel.
就讀於華盛頓大學生物和戲劇雙主修。曾參演過覺生製作短片Do Not Breath 和A Fresh Backed Offer.
Abigail is a senior at the University of Washington majoring in MCD Biology and Drama Performance. She has been in student production short films Do Not Breath and A Fresh Backed Offer.
机械工程专业,现任技术项目经理。 大学担任中国学生会主席,参与制作举办多届校级演出,担任编剧,编舞。 曾在《北京卫视环球春晚》担任导演助理,翻译,以及活动策划与管理。
Ling had a major in mechanical engineering and is currently working as a technical program manager. She was the president of CSSA back in college who was responsible for arranging several performances, shows, as well as being a choreographer. She had experience working as an assistant director, interpreter and event organizer for Beijing TV Global Spring Festival Gala.
丁孟佳/Zoe Ding
As the member of Peiyang Drama Club in Tianjin University, Zoe casted in We Won’t Pay, Copenhagen, The Vagina Monologues, Who Killed Robert, and directed Peking Man. Zoe also used to be an Assistant Producer in TheatreAbove, participated in one web series and more than 10 stage plays, including classic drama Secret Love in a Blossom Land, the historical production of A Dream Like a Dream, and American-collaborated musical Dim Sum Warriors.
刘韵/Yun Liu
Yun is currently working as a product manager at Microsoft. She participated in several choir competitions and performances since elementary school. During her time at college, she also had extensive dance performance experiences at New Year Gala, Graduation Gala, etc,.
Lana (Yiqing) Zhang is an NYU graduate student in Performing Arts Administration program. She serves in various roles in acting, producing, and directing with arts projects. Past producing credits include Monologues Of n Women(2022), We the Blind(2019), Yuzhang Wu(2018). Past acting credits include Ripples From A Lost Song - Meiru/Mother(2021), Under the Roof Of Shanghai - Caiyu Yang(2021); Twilight Of A Crane - Yohyo(2019).
林奕含/Yihan Lin
林奕含毕业于南加州大学,主修计算机科学,辅修戏剧。大学期间曾主演话剧《收信快乐》《绝境之甜》,现场广播剧《无人生还》《阴道独白》。曾参演话剧《大酒店套房》浸没式戏剧《Ascend: When Myths Fall, Heros Rise》
Yihan graduated from University of Southern California with a major in Computer Science and a minor in theater. She casted in Hope It Finds You Well, Bittersweet, Plaza Suite, Stage reading And Then There Were None, ​​The Vagina Monologues, Immersive Theater Ascend: When Myths Fall, Heros Rise.
费君鸿/Andrew Fei
目前就职于Broadway Asia International并同时就读于纽约大学舞台艺术管理专业。本科毕业于宾夕法尼亚州立大学,获得戏剧研究以及娱乐管理双学位。曾参与制作#HereToo, 4.48精神崩溃,恋爱的犀牛,原创浸没剧“口技杀人案”等
Currently working for Broadway Asia International while studying Performing Arts Administration at NYU. Graduated from Penn State University with B.A. in Theatre Studies and B.S. in Commercial Recreation Management. Previously involvement includes #HereToo, 4.48 Psychosis, Rhinoceros in Love, original immersive “A Sound Murder”, etc.
陈博尧 / Sue
Assistant Producer
目前本科就读于宾夕法尼亚州立大学,Supply Chain & Information System 与Theatre Studies 双专业。在学校曾参演 Mountain Language,在话剧 (T)rust, Twelfth Night 担任stage manager。 并在中文话剧社担任《驴得水》导演助理。
Currently, she is studying in Pennsylvania State University. Double major in Supply Chain & Information System and Theater Studies, she participated in Mountain Language as an actress and (T) Rust, Twelfth Night as stage Manager.
宣传  Marketing
王一冰/Yibing Wang
Yibing graduated from the University of Washington, and is now pursuing her Master’s degree at New York University. She has participated in the lighting design and stage design for Faith County; Oliver!; Elf the Musical Jr.; Check Please; Mary Poppins; Once on the Island; Shrek The Musical; Soul Speaking.
聂嘉祺/Jiaqi Nie
Marketing team
微软在职码农,毕业于密歇根大学计算机系。曾担任包括DAMA,TYMUN等组织的海报设计师和网站开发员。 本科期间跟随多位教授参与女性话题的讨论和学习,在女性权益活动中积累了丰富的理论知识与经验。
Software engineer at Microsoft. Graduated from the University of Michigan. He worked as poster designer and web developer for organizations including DAMA, TYMUN, etc. During the undergraduate period, he followed many professors to participate in discussions and studies on women's topics, and accumulated rich theoretical knowledge and experience in women's rights activities.